Red-Cheeked-blue Uraenthus bengalus Discription; pink bill with dark tip. Brown,back wings. Azure -blue face, underpart rump, and tail. Male has red cheek This bird is commonly seen, as it is often tame around homes. A pair or small flock may hop along on lawns tails, and open ground, searching for grass seeds and insects. It wanders widely when not blooding Voice A high-pitche, 3- or 4- note song, tsee-tsee-see call is weak tsee-tsee Habitat; Acacia woodland, savannas semi deserts, golden homeland and farmland Nesting Build around nest of grass tops with a side entrance, lined with features and placed in a small tree, sometimes near a horne nest for protection. Lay 4 or 5 eggs Home Range East Africa, Senegal East to Ethiopia, and South to Zambia
Showing posts from September, 2020