spotted hyena

HYENA is an animal in the order  cornivores  and family hyaenidae, it is a doglike carnivorous Africa mammal with long forelimbs and an erect mane.Family hyaenidae comprise of species such as spotted hyaena or ''laughing hyena''  ( Crocuta Crocuta), striped hyena (Hyaena Hyaena) Brown Hyena (Hyeana Brunnea) and aardworf ( Proteles Cristatus) which are widely distributed in the Africa and in the continent as well 
      The first factor which regulate the hyena  populution in the serengeti ecosystem is natural death due to old age of the hyena. During growth, It reaches a time when  the cells of the body become inactive due to age thus they never support more growth and the animal dies. As to serengeti hyena , when they become old they  die  natural and their remain are  eaten by other scavengers and even by other living hyenas and this unhances food chain and nutrient recycling.
      The second factor regulate hyena populution is hunting and the effect of predation. The main predators of both adult and young spotted hyenas is the lion frequently kill spotted hyena when they want to steal the prey that a lion a has killed. What happens  when the prey is about to be stolen is that lion leave they prey  and chase the hyena killing it in process
    There has also been a tendency of kill hyena because of superstition beliefs and this is observed in lake zone areas where hyena are are been killed allegedly because they are said to be used by old women to witch thier children
        The third factor is cannibalism effect one animal eats the flesh of its own species. Most hyena species especially spotted hyena when they move outside protected areas, they can be poisoned to death and their carcass is eaten by other hyena regardless of the cause of the death. The reduce hyena population in the sense the one poisoned hyena is cunsumed by non poison hyena resulting into more death among the hyenas themselve
     This issue is observe in most pastoral communities bordering the park such as Bariadi, Bunda and Serengeti  districts.
         In addition, there is the competition  for food or carcass among hyenas themselves where the strong and matured hyenas tend to kill other hyena sibling of their own clan leading to ecological regulation of hyena population.  This is a strong ploblem to the suckling hyena because when they lack sufficient food.   


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